Stream of consciousness
paying attention to those reoccurring thoughts that you wish you hadn't heard!
I can’t believe I am actually doing this. I don’t know what he sees in her. Are we really about to sit her and say nothing?! If one more person asks me to do something I am going to… I must have a sign somewhere that says “try me!”
Thoughts like these are often looming in and out of our minds playing double-dutch with our emotions. The same thoughts that we shrug off for “having a bad day,” but why…why do we ignore ourselves during moments of “negative self-talk"?” In therapy, I’ve been taught to take breaths when certain thoughts float through my mind, count even—but I’ve never been good with numbers.
*Breathing in positivity, Breathing out the things that do not serve me*
But I wonder, what would happen if we were to take a moment to pay attention to those reoccurring thoughts- this stream of consciousness that also reminds us of our daily tasks? In the book “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer, we are are asked to consider that the inner voice which often guides us, can block our blessings (for a lack of better terms, I haven’t finished the book—don’t judge me)—that it can serve as a shield from the true world around us.
I am in quite the limbo here, for I know I am someone known to “overthink” to the point where the story that I’ve told myself can often be a whole other narrative from the page that myself and the other party are reading. Does this make sense?
What I’d like to leave you with is this: Today, take an inventory of your thoughts, much like last weeks exercise, let’s break this down during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For Breakfast, pay attention to your thoughts and carefully consider anything that appears to be reoccurring. Note that you’ll probably overthink in the beginning, in the effort to pay attention to your thoughts, you may find yourself—narrating your experience.
For Lunch, write down the first three things that you’ve observed today and your feelings about those things—wherever you are.
For Dinner, now look at your notes from breakfast and lunch, what are your thoughts on these observations? Take sometime for reflection. Whether your thoughts are connected or completely separate, take a moment for them. See the words on paper and commend yourself for taking time for your mind.
We’re often overworking our mind, we don’t take time to observe it. Our stream of consciousness reminds us of who we are, what we need and what we want. We are often working to perfect our relationships with others and how we show up, today…take sometime to show up for yourself because no one is more deserving than you!
Talk soon xoxo,
Zewiditu Ruffin
Don’t forget a NEW episode of Sober in The Morning is now available on places where all podcasts live!