How many times have others referred to your passions as “your baby,” as if this thing that keeps you up at night, stresses you the heck out and brings you all the joy in the world is anything close to a physical child…
hmm maybe it is?
But what is missed here, is that this “baby” isn’t always a passion project, it’s the thing that HAS to work and the most difficult thing about the pursuit, is trying to convince others to see that.
I haven’t uploaded any new episodes of “Sober in The Morning” because I found myself in constant and consistent creation with little to no traction. Of course, there are many reasons for this, all of which I take responsibility for…and in seeing this, I saw me. I recognize that the podcast does appear to be mine and not ours.
I am continuing to record, conceptualize and rebrand for a relaunch in The New Year and it is with sincere hope that this can be something that we can all find ourselves, our voices and our experiences in—whether you are sober, sober curious or simply present.
Today, I just want to remind you to nurture “your baby” whatever your passion is and be honest and open with yourself because sometimes, all “your baby” needs is you.
Beginning Again is a great episode to check out today in the spirit of honoring self, passion and the ability to begin again and again.
Onwards and as always—pack light and journey on..
Zewiditu Jewel